Campus Portal for Students and Families
In Campus Portal, formerly called the Family Portal, families and students can see real-time class and assignment grades, homework, test scores, upcoming due dates, attendance information, discipline incidents.
Plus, your Campus Portal contact information feeds the tools schools and the District use to connect with you via telephone, email and mailing address. We need your help keeping your contact information accurate, so we have simple instructions for updating your information on this webpage.
Portal also offers:
- Full access to the Personalized Student Dashboard, which displays student assessment and testing data. Which shows:
- Classwork and class grades
- MAP Assessment information, which measures your student’s academic growth over time
- TCAP Assessment scores
- Attendance
- Academic Plan, a special feature for high schoolers that tracks credits needed for graduation
- Better communication between teachers and families through emails and mobile alerts. Teachers can send messages to parents, and schools are able to post important news and announcements.

Campus Student
Campus Portal Offers Two Apps
Campus Parent allows for easier access for all of your children under one username, as well as the ability to manage family and emergency contact information such as phone numbers, emergency contacts, contact order, and relationships.
Campus Student app offers students access to all their grades and schedules but does not have the ability to manage family/contact information.

Campus Parent
Campus Parent Features 
Includes enhanced features to make it more useful, including a responsive design optimized for use on mobile devices and tablets.
Grants additional access and modification capabilities that do not exist in the Campus Student account.
Grants parents access to a Self Service section to update household and emergency contact information, including many more features to come.
Offers features that will not exist in Campus Student.
- Access to the Personalized Student Dashboard.
Parents, if you currently are using your student's log-in information, we strongly urge you to create your own Campus Parent account so that you will have access to all the new enhancements provided.
Download the Apps
Link to Campus Portals
You can log into the Campus Portal using this direct portal link, and you also can find the link on the top right of every webpage on
Permissions Portal
Annual and required permissions forms are available in the online permissions portal, which you can access through your Campus Portal account.
Printable forms, in several languages are available on the Student-Parent Handbook page.
Student work also can be reviewed in Schoology, the district's learning management system.
- Families can sign up to receive an update on student work via email from Schoology.