Mt. View Elementary opened in 1999 on Murfreesboro Pike in southeast Davidson County. It is one of several schools MNPS has built in recent years to accommodate the population growth in that area. The school’s colors are yellow and green, and its mascot is the mountain lion.
Mt. View is a diverse school, with more than 50 languages represented. The annual Multicultural Night encourages families to share information about their culture and family with others in the school through food tastings, talent, videos and fashion shows, all highlighting the cultural dress, foods and heritage from families’ countries. The school also offers a successful after-school EL (English Learners) Reading Club. Students who attended this club last year achieved 70% growth in reading on their Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) assessments.
Vision Statement: Mt. View will provide a positive learning environment while guiding students toward their highest potential. 
All Mt. View students are encouraged to do their best and, as part of the school’s work to ensure Every Student is Known, each sets academic and social/emotional goals for the year. Under a theme of “Go for YOUR Gold,” students are taught the importance of setting individual goals for literacy, and staff celebrates with students as they accomplish these goals.
The dedicated and qualified staff at Mt. View includes six nationally board-certified teachers, a nationally board-certified school counselor and a CMA (Country Music Association) Teacher of Excellence award recipient.
The school’s related arts program includes a music program that provides Little Kids Rock, a national program that provides support to local music education through musical instruments, teacher training, curriculum and other resources; chorus, and a strong tie to the music community in Nashville. Students have many instruments to learn and play because of grants and donations from the music community, including different types of drums, ukuleles, guitars and xylophones.
Other activities at Mt. View include a variety of clubs and programs, such as a leadership program for 4th grade students; a Student Council; the Make a Difference Club, whose members complete school and community service projects, and Library Leaders, whose members assist in the library - including helping younger students locate books and materials.
Being an involved member of the community, and involving the community in the school, are two critical features of a successful school. Here are a few examples of this two-way involvement:
One of Mt. View’s traditions that staff and students enjoy is Fun Run. Each October, students run together to promote physical fitness and to help raise money for the school through the Parent Teacher Association. Teachers dress as their favorite literary character and join children as they run together.
Recently, former Mt. View student Ugo Amadi, who now plays for the Seattle Seahawks in the NFL, returned to the school and presented students with backpacks and supplies.
Principal Julia Lamb says her school welcomes prospective students and their families to join them as they work toward individual and school success. Quoting Ford Motor Company founder Henry Ford, Lamb says, “Coming together is the beginning, keeping together is progress and working together is success.”