Dan Mills Elementary School is one of just two schools in Tennessee to receive a national award this year for the effectiveness of its data-informed school counseling program in serving students and meeting their needs.
The RAMP (Recognized ASCA Model Program) Award from the American School Counselor Association recognizes schools committed to delivering a data-informed school counseling program in accordance with the ASCA National Model: A Framework for School Counseling Programs. Dan Mills and the other winning schools showed evidence of direct and indirect services to students, program planning and improved student outcomes.
Nationally, 101 schools in 21 states are receiving this recognition. They will be honored during a special ceremony at the American School Counselor Association’s annual conference on July 17 in Atlanta.
The school counseling team at Dan Mills, which is in Inglewood, includes Julia Hoge, school counseling interventionist; Kris Summa, advocacy coach; and school counselors Megan Bennett and Sarah Beck.
"The school counseling team at Dan Mills consistently puts forth best practices and big hearts to make sure that every student is known,” said Dr. Megan Cusson-Lark, MNPS’s executive director of school counseling. “Congratulations to the entire team on this tremendous honor!"