Rising MNPS high school juniors have a chance to represent their fellow students on the Board of Education next year as the search for the next Student Board Member begins.
The application is now open for current sophomores who will be juniors in 2023-24. Applicants should be prepared to serve in the position for two years, ending when they graduate in 2025.
The student who is selected will succeed Abenezer Haile, a senior at Martin Luther King Jr. Academic Magnet High School who will graduate this May. The other current Student Board Member, Hillsboro High School junior Alayna Mitchell, will continue to serve during her senior year.
Important Dates
- Applications are due by midnight on Friday, April 28. Applicants must sign in with their MNPS email address and submit it on the application form.
- The selected student’s first Board meeting will be in September.
About the Student Board Member Position
MNPS seeks applications from rising juniors to serve as a Student Member of the School Board. Student members serve as a bridge between the Board of Education and the student body. Student members will join the nine elected board members in policy discussions to ensure the student voice is accounted for in all decisions. Student members will participate in all Board activities except for Executive Committee sessions and will have the opportunity to offer a voiced opinion before every vote. They’ll also be able to bring up issues of importance for discussion among the Board.
There will be two student members, one junior and one senior. Student Board Member terms will run from August 1 of their junior year to May of their senior year, with onboarding taking place in August before the first Board meeting in September. 
Rising juniors will serve for two school years. Student Board Members will receive onboarding training and regular and end-of-year feedback for development.
Student Board Members represent the interest of their constituents – the MNPS student body – and will be supported by MNPS central office staff and a Board Member Mentor.
Required Qualifications
- Be a rising junior for the 2023-24 school year
- Commit to serving as the student representative for two academic years
- Be enrolled in an MNPS high school during your term
- Maintain a 2.5 GPA or evidence of improved academic performance; good standing in regard to academics, behavior and attendance
- An interest in government, public service, policy and/or education
- Be prepared for and able to attend two board meetings a month (currently scheduled the second and fourth Tuesday evening of each month) and related committee meetings
- A strong commitment to student success and well-being
- Willingness to learn and grow, work cooperatively, take initiative, express opinions respectfully and listen attentively to others
- Time management skills, including the ability to balance board duties and academic and extracurricular responsibilities
Preferred Qualifications
- Leadership experience
- Strong communication, critical thinking and organizational skills
- Comfortable with public speaking
- Basic understanding of school boards and legislative process
- Represent all public school students within the district
- Attend and provide student opinions at School Board meetings, except at special and executive sessions
- Review and analyze the information packet provided prior to each Board meeting. Information packet may include meeting agenda, minutes, background information, budget and legislative documents, presentations and reports.
- Report major updates, including but not limited to student affairs and proposals, school activities and educational issues, to School Board
- Ability to maintain confidential documents
- Understand that all communication with stakeholders (email, personal and official social media, conversations, etc.) is public and reflective of MNPS as a whole
- Serve as the liaison between the School Board, the Student Cabinet of the Director of Schools and the student population
- Collaborate with the other Student Board Member
- Serve on selected School Board Committees
- Participate in Student Board Member recruitment, training programs, evaluation activities and selection process
Student Board Members may receive service learning hours or community service hours. Student Board Members are also entitled to reimbursement for reasonable and necessary expenses (travel, meals, etc.) incurred while engaged in Board business. Student Board Members may receive a letter of recommendation from the Chair of the School Board for scholarships or college applications, depending on completion of their duties.
How to Apply
Applications from rising high school juniors are due Friday, April 28, at midnight.
Use the online application form and remember to sign in with your MNPS email address and submit it on the application form. (You can also submit a secondary email address but must sign in with your MNPS address.)
Include the following information/materials for review:
If you are selected to move on to the second round, you will be notified via email about scheduling an interview. Thank you for your interest and your willingness to serve.