Recent Whites Creek High School graduate Patrick Hathaway is the first MNPS recipient of a college scholarship from Capitol Records in recognition of his outstanding work in the Bonus Tracks program, which exposes students to the role of a modern music label. 
Hathaway, a freshman at Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, received $10,000 for his tenacity, leadership, creativity, work ethic, preparation, and curiosity during the 2020-21 program.
"You deserve it,” Christian Redl, Nashville-based marketing manager for Motown Gospel, a division of Capitol Christian Music Group, told Patrick on a recent call to announce the scholarship. “You’re just such a star. And it was just such a fun time getting to know you and seeing your passion.”
“You leaned in, you showed up, came with your true self, and that’s what it takes to be successful,” added Brian Nolan, executive vice president of Capitol Music Group in Los Angeles. “So let this be another validation of the way that you carry yourself and the way you show up every day.”
Bonus Tracks gives high school students from Nashville and Los Angeles an opportunity to explore how professionals can succeed in any work environment by seeing music industry leaders in action and learning from guest speakers. Students learn about marketing, promotion, commercial partnerships, and other areas of the music business.
Hathaway, who plans to major in biochemistry at Austin Peay and become a cardiovascular surgeon, said the scholarship, which will be spread over four years, will be incredibly important to him and his mother.
“This is more helpful than you know,” he told the music executives and MNPS academic leaders on the call. “That relieves pressure off of her and opens up doors for me. Thank you for choosing me and giving me this opportunity.”
"This scholarship means so much I can’t even begin to describe its value!" Patrick added in an email after the meeting. "It mainly confirms that being me is more than enough; every Bonus Tracks meeting I never put on a front, I just showed up and presented Patrick with all honesty. It also means I’m one step closer to debt-free college, which is a goal of mine that I feel really strongly about achieving."
Students from Whites Creek as well as Cane Ridge High School and Pearl-Cohn Entertainment Magnet High School participated along with peers from Southern California in the 2020-21 Bonus Tracks program, which met virtually for eight weeks last spring. Dr. Jennifer Berry, MNPS’s director of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) and Science, said Hathaway stood out in those sessions.
"His creativity, questioning, and speaking skills showcased Patrick to be a true leader,” Berry said. “Patrick genuinely sought to connect with various executives to learn and grow from each and every guest speaker. Watching students such as Patrick grow is a highlight of being an educator."
The Bonus Tracks program launched in 2019 at Pearl-Cohn and then expanded to additional MNPS high schools.