MNPS celebrated more than 200 employees Monday as they started moving into retirement with 4,894 combined years of service to the district’s students, families and schools.
“This is an amazing group of public servants and a wonderful group of people I see before me,” Director of Schools Dr. Adrienne Battle told the new crop of retirees and their family members during a reception at the Martin Center for Professional Development. 
“Whether you’ve been with Team MNPS for a few years or for 40-plus years, whether you’ve worked in one school or 10 schools or you’ve touched every school through your work, you have poured so much into our students, their families and your fellow staff members.
“You’ve made a huge investment of your time and energy in our district, because you believe in the power of public education. You believe every child deserves a chance to learn and grow, to graduate and then follow in your footsteps as a productive member of our community. And you believe in making sure every student is known, cared for, valued, supported and on a path to success.”
Retirees 2023
The full list of certificated and support employees and images from the celebration.
- Diana Adams
- Gwendolyn Adkins
- Daniel Aluoch
- April Austin
- Angela Bailey
- Marilyn Baines
- Robert Baker
- Howard Barbee
- Julie Barbour
- Kathy Barney
- Shelley Bassham
- Paul Beavers
- Kimberly Berry
- Seliene Bignall
- Penny Blevins
- Amanda Bogle
- William Bowens
- David Brangenberg
- Rebecca Brewster
- Cathy Brown
- Janet Brown
- Margaret Brown
- Jo Ann Bryant
- Deborah Bulla
- Sharon Burgess
- Paul Bush
- Carol Byrd
- Charlene Cage
- Glenn Calbert
- Carmelia Cammon-Tate
- Lenae Campbell
- Jennie Cannon
- Katherine Cantrell
- Martha Cantrell
- Charles Cardona II
- Cheryl Carney
- Janet Chan
- Paul Changas
- June Chapman
- Kim Childress
- Michael Clark
- Sonja Clark
- Donn Clute
- Todd Colicchio
- Tammy Collins
- Caren Craig
- Suzanne Daugherty
- Susan Davenport
- Brenda Davis
- Deborah Davis
- Keith Dickey
- Washington Dobbins
- Sharon Doucet
- Cecilia Dumlao
- Mark Duren
- Leslie Dyer
- Samuel Elliott
- Karya Evans
- Phyllis Ewing
- Patricia Finney
- Michelle Flowers
- Phylecia Fonseca
- Kim Frame
- Thomas Gale
- Debra Gann
- Paulette Gentry
- Rudolph Gilchrist
- Cathy Gleaves
- Joseph Gross
- Beverly Guisinger
- Shelley Gurda
- Cheryl Hailey
- Stephen Hampson
- Alvin Haney
- Yvonne Haney
- Michael Harkreader
- Lisa Harnage
- Rosilyn Harrington
- Sharon Harris
- Lori Hathaway
- Mark Hayes
- Julie Herron
- Rosemary Herron
- Pamela Hicks
- Nancy Higgins
- Julius Hill Sr.
- Stacey Hinchman
- Pamela Hinton
- Cordelia Howard
- William Hunt
- Judy Jamison
- Jewell Jemison
- Deborah Johnston
- Askalu Kahase
- Rae Kelley
- Kimberly Kelton
- Lolita Kinnard
- Bernard Lafayette
- Julia Lamb
- Camille Lame
- Michelle Lampkin
- Erma Laymon
- Brenda Lillard
- Lisa Lipscomb
- Barbara Lissner
- Cynthia Madison
- Alda Maestas
- Janie Martin
- William Martin
- Charles Mason II
- Andrew Mathis
- Gregory Maxedon
- Alison McArthur
- Antonia McClain
- Jann McDonald
- Teri McDonald
- Barbara McEwen
- Kathleen McGee
- Rita McGee
- Cheri McGriff
- Susan McKenzie
- Jennifer McKerley
- Alison McMahan
- Pippa Meriwether
- Melodye Miles
- Patricia Miller
- Ramona Mitchell
- John Montgomery
- Stephannie Montgomery
- Janice Moore
- Blanca Moradian
- Carolyn Morrison
- Robert Morrison
- James Mott
- Edward Mueller
- Mary Murphy
- Molly Murrell
- Mary Lee Nash
- Lourdes Navarrette
- Rebekah Nichols
- Jane Norris
- Brazella Northern
- Deborah Northington
- Angela Overton
- Leanne Owen
- Darinda Paul
- Edythe Phillips
- Kathleen Plieth
- Paula Poag
- Cynthia Porter
- Vicki Powers
- Teresa Randolph
- Linda Ray
- Sherrie Reid
- Toby Resha
- Catherine Rhodes
- Mitzi Riley
- Lynne Robinson
- Catherine Rollins
- Elcie Saint Victor
- Jeff Salyers
- Roosevelt Sanders
- Shearon Sarver
- Carole Scates
- Allison Schaffner
- Linnea Schaible
- Deborah Schmidt
- Michael Schmittou
- Elcy Schootes
- Joni Schroeder
- Lucy Seaver
- Judith Shepard
- Michele Sheriff
- Donn Sierra
- Joseph Sipe
- Marianne Sipe
- Lucy Skaggs
- Helen Smith
- Janet Smith
- Mervat Soliman
- Carolyn Steele
- Cynthia Tarkington
- Brownetta Taylor
- Ricky Temple Sr.
- Mary Alice Thomas
- Jonathan Todd
- Robin Trollinger
- Amy Truxton
- Richard Tucker
- Sherry Van Dine
- Tonya Venters
- Laura Verdone
- Beatrice Visnoski
- Jan Walker
- Denise Ward
- Nancy Washington
- Lisa Watkins
- Mary Watson
- Rebecca Way
- Linda Weaver
- Rebecca Welch
- Caren Wiggins
- Todd Wigginton
- Barbara Wilkes
- Patricia Willhite
- Erick Williams
- James Williams
- Ruth Ann Williams
- Tim Williams
- Cathy Wilson
- Virginia Worthy
- Melanie Yant
- Laura Youmans
- Mary Young
- McKinley Young
- Aspasia Zoller
- Aya Zvaigzne
Celebration Images