Rosebank Elementary STEAM Magnet is exiting Priority School status following the release of Tennessee accountability data indicating that the school surpassed more than 10 percent of Tennessee schools in accountability ranking. Two MNPS schools achieved Reward Status this year, and several schools are exiting TSI or ATSI status.
“Despite significant disruptions to education caused by the pandemic and difficulties with administering state assessments with so many learners choosing virtual options, Rosebank was able to achieve a great feat in exiting priority status – something that has been years in the making,” Director of Schools Dr. Adrienne Battle said. “I’m proud of the work of Dr. Akers and her team, the leadership at Glendale and Lockeland for achieving Reward status, and all of our principals who have been able to achieve the progress necessary for exiting TSI or ATSI status.”
Priority schools are generally those that perform in the bottom 5 percent of schools in the state. Rosebank Elementary entered priority status in 2017. Rosebank was one of five MNPS schools in 2017 to be awarded a Magnet Schools Assistance Program (MSAP) grant and was rebranded as the Rosebank Elementary STEAM Magnet, offering integrated technology and biological sciences learning opportunities for students.
“This is recognition of how hard they’ve worked,” Rosebank Principal Dr. Kellee Akers said of her teachers and support staff. “They are conscientious, driven, and concerned, and they want children to be successful. This has been the most difficult and the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done. To see how a school can change and transform in the eyes of parents, in the eyes of the community, and in the eyes of the staff, it’s amazing.”
Glendale Elementary and Lockeland Elementary both achieved Reward School status based on TNReady data released this month. Glendale is a Spanish immersion school that provides students the opportunity to learn in both English and Spanish, with bilingual teachers in all grade levels to offer students a unique learning experience. Lockeland Elementary is an optional neighborhood school in East Nashville that predominantly serves the geographic priority zone near the school.
Both Glendale and Lockeland have previously achieved the National Blue Ribbon award from the U.S. Department of Education.
Targeted Support and Improvement Schools (TSI) and Additional Targeted Support and Improvement Schools (ATSI) are federally required designations. TSI schools are those that fall in the bottom 5 percent for their weighted overall accountability score for any given student subgroup, while ATSI schools are those in which “any subgroup of students, on its own, would lead to identification” as a Priority School.
John Overton High School and Margaret Allen Middle School are exiting ATSI status but will remain in TSI. Glencliff High School, Haywood Elementary, Hull-Jackson Elementary, Inglewood Elementary, and Jones Paideia will be exiting TSI status.